SpyderMan Homecoming

Grace Estrada
4 min readSep 17, 2020

Introduction to Spyder IDE


What is Spyder?

Well, it’s not the typical friendly neighborhood spiderman that we all know of.

Hey fellas!

Spyder is an open source cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) for scientific programming in the Python language. — Wikipedia

SPYDER stands for Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment

Are you guys ready to learn more about Spyder?

Just follow along with my codes and have fun!

To launch Spyder IDE, just type ‘Spyder’ on the windows search bar and click OPEN button.

Spyder User Interface should look like this

Spyder (Python 3.8)

The left side is called the Code Block. This is where we will write our codes.

On the top right corner, we can find the current file directory.
We can change it by clicking the folder button and navigate to any directory we want.

The files explorer tab shows all the files present in the current working directory.

Whereas the variables tab lists all the variables that are present in our Python Environment.

Lastly, we have the Python Console or the output window.
This is the section where you will see the output of your Python Codes.

Now let’s try to create simple codes.
On the code block section, enter print(“Hello World!”) and press Ctrl + Z to run the command.

Next, let’s try to create some variables.

To run the codes, just press F5 or click the green arrow on the upper portion

You can see that the variables tab populated and 31.4 reflected as a result when I called the print(ALI) function. Note that we assigned the variable ALI to a 31.40 value.

To import a file in Python, first, we need to import the pandas library in our python environment.

Next, pass on the file path on the read_csv parameter to load the dataset into our environment

The retail variable is set as a dataframe

If we want to make our coding environment tabs more enjoyable, we can go to the tools tab > preferences tab > editor section.

Let’s change the themes! Just click on the appearance tab and select your preferences. Here I set the Interface Theme to ‘Light’, and changed the Icon Theme to ‘Spyder 2'

Let’s restart the Kernel


To open the Command Prompt, just hit the windows button and type CMD, and press enter. It should look like this:

To change directory, enter ‘cd’…

…followed by the directory name, ‘Desktop’ for example. And hit enter

To go back the directory, click ‘cd ..” to take you to the previous directory

To move directories in multiple steps, use cd directory name \ directory name

To go back multiple stepps, use cd ../..

You can hit the tab key to auto-complete the directory name

That’s all for today! :D

